Tremton Construction Inc. and its team of dedicated professionals complete approximately 75 per cent of all their projects utilizing the construction management methodology.
Under the Construction Management process, the owner, consultants and Tremton Construction Inc. form a cohesive team and work in a very collaborative manner to best meet the owners’ requirements in terms of design, budget and schedule. TCI contributes a “value added” service to the process.
In order to best utilize the expertise of our construction management services it is recommended TCI be hired on as a team member early on in the process.
Construction Management Scope of Services are broken down into four distinct phases:
Phase One
Phase Two
Phase Three
Phase Four
Evaluation and Preparation
Post Construction
The processes between Construction Management and General Contracting differ primarily due to the roles and responsibilities prior to construction. The overall success of a project is directly correlated to the amount of effort, co-ordination, collaboration etc. that is done prior to construction. The construction management process allows these preconstruction tasks to take place whereas the General Contractor has no involvement until such time as a complete set of construction documentation is provided by the consultants and owner.
- Preparation and accountability in establishing construction budget – multiple budgets to ensure design meets client requirements and budgetary constraints.
- Detailed preparation of tender form to provide flexibility once subtrade tenders received (alternate prices, separate prices, unit prices, itemized prices).
- In collaboration with team members, establish a qualified subtrade list to ensure project standards are met.
- Provide thorough analysis of subtrade tender submissions to ensure all bids are like bids and are inclusive.
- Identification and preorder of long lead items that may jeopardize schedule.
- Preparation and accountability of construction schedule incorporating all client critical milestones – used in tender process to ensure subtrade knowledge of schedule requirements.
- Key involvement in permit application process and liason with city officials until building permit received.
- Concentrated effort from management and site personal to minimize unnecessary change orders due to site conditions, co-ordination issues etc. Non client driven change orders are kept to a minimum.
- Detail reporting including but not limited to: budgets, tender summaries, weekly minutes, progress draws.
- Diligent follow through on project closeout documentation to the satisfaction of the client and the landlord.
Tremton Construction Inc. provides extremely professional, well-organized Construction Management Services and is committed to customer satisfaction and building long term relationships with all our clientele.